Striking Lebokose Wrench, 12 Point, Straight Handle

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Thepa e tala e entsoe ka boleng bo phahameng ba 45 # tšepe, e etsang hore wrench e be le torque e phahameng, boima bo phahameng le ho tšoarella ho feta.
Tlosa ts'ebetso e entsoeng, eketsa sekhahla le matla a wrench.
Mosebetsi o boima le moralo oa boemo ba indasteri.
Phekolo ea holim'a 'mala o motšo Anti-Rust.
Boholo bo ikhethileng le OEM e tšehelitsoe.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa

Khoutu Boholo Bolelele Botenya Bophara Lebokose(pc)
S101-24 24 limilimithara 165 limilimithara 17mm 42 limilimithara 50
S101-27 27 limilimithara 180 limilimithara 18mm 48mm 50
S101-30 30 limilimithara 195 limilimithara 19 limilimithara 54 limilimithara 40
S101-32 32 limilimithara 195 limilimithara 19 limilimithara 54 limilimithara 40
S101-34 34 limilimithara 205 limilimithara 20 limilimithara 60 limilimithara 25
S101-36 36 limilimithara 205 limilimithara 20 limilimithara 60 limilimithara 20
S101-38 38 limilimithara 225 limilimithara 22 limilimithara 66 limilimithara 20
S101-41 41 limilimithara 225 limilimithara 22 limilimithara 66 limilimithara 20
S101-46 46 limilimithara 235 limilimithara 24 limilimithara 75 limilimithara 20
S101-50 50 limilimithara 250 limilimithara 26 limilimithara 80 limilimithara 13
S101-55 55 limilimithara 265 limilimithara 28mm 88mm 10
S101-60 60 limilimithara 275 limilimithara 29 limilimithara 94 limilimithara 10
S101-65 65 limilimithara 295 limilimithara 30 limilimithara 104 limilimithara 6
S101-70 70 limilimithara 330 limilimithara 33 limilimithara 110 limilimithara 6
S101-75 75 limilimithara 330 limilimithara 33 limilimithara 115 limilimithara 4
S101-80 80 limilimithara 360 limilimithara 36 limilimithara 130 limilimithara 4
S101-85 85 limilimithara 360 limilimithara 36 limilimithara 132 limilimithara 4
S101-90 90 limilimithara 390 limilimithara 41 limilimithara 145 limilimithara 4
S101-95 95 limilimithara 390 limilimithara 41 limilimithara 145 limilimithara 3
S101-100 100mm 410 limilimithara 41 limilimithara 165 limilimithara 3
S101-105 105 limilimithara 415 limilimithara 41 limilimithara 165 limilimithara 2
S101-110 110 limilimithara 420 limilimithara 39 limilimithara 185 limilimithara 2
S101-115 115 limilimithara 460 limilimithara 39 limilimithara 185 limilimithara 2
S101-120 120 limilimithara 485 limilimithara 42 limilimithara 195 limilimithara 2
S101-125 125 limilimithara 485 limilimithara 42 limilimithara 195 limilimithara 2


E 'ngoe ea lintlha tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tseo u ka li nahanang ha u khetha sesebelisoa se nepahetseng bakeng sa morero oa hau ke ho tšoarella.U hloka sesebelisoa se ka mamellang tšebeliso e boima le ho fana ka ts'ebetso e tšepahalang.Ke moo sekontiri sa "percussion box" se kenang teng. E etselitsoe ho sebetsana le mesebetsi e thata, sekontiri sena sa boemo ba indasteri se entsoe ka matla a phahameng a 45# thepa ea tšepe.

Karolo e hlahelletseng ea wrench ea lebokose la percussion ke moralo oa eona oa lintlha tse 12.Moqapi ona o tšoara linate le liboutu ka thata, ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho thella le ho pota-pota.Hore na o sebetsa morerong oa DIY kapa o sebetsa ka bokhabane, moralo oa lintlha tse 12 oa wrench ena o netefatsa hore o lekana hantle.

Motsoako o otlolohileng oa wrench oa lebokose la seteraeke le ona o kenya letsoho ts'ebelisong ea ona.Ka letsoho le otlolohileng, o na le taolo e ntlafetseng mme o ka sebelisa matla a mangata ha ho hlokahala.Sena se etsa hore ho be bonolo ho sebetsana le mesebetsi e boima le ho netefatsa katleho e kholo.


wrench e otlang

Kaho ea wrench ena e theohile ho tloha ho matla a phahameng a 45 # tšepe bakeng sa ho tšoarella ka mokhoa o ikhethang.Boitsebiso bona bo ka mamella tšebeliso e boima ntle le ho lahleheloa ke sebōpeho kapa matla a eona.Ho feta moo, kaho ea boemo ba indasteri e bolela hore wrench ena e hahiloe hore e tšoarelle.

Molemo o moholo oa li-wrenches tsa hamore ke ho hanyetsa ha tsona mafome.Lisebelisoa tse thibelang mafome tsa sesebelisoa li tiisa hore li tla lula li le boemong bo holimo le ha li pepesehile libakeng tse thata.Sena se tiisa bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso le ho eketsa ts'ebeliso ea wrench.

motsu oa hamore
sekontiri sa ho slogging

Ho tloaeleha hoa khoneha ka wrench ea lebokose la percussion.E fumaneha ka mefuta e fapaneng ea boholo, e u lumellang ho khetha boholo bo lumellanang hantle le litlhoko tsa hau tse khethehileng.Ho feta moo, tšehetso ea OEM ea fumaneha, ho bolelang hore o ka khona ho etsa wrench ena ho latela litlhoko tsa hau hantle.

ha re phethela

Ka kakaretso, wrench ea hamore ke sesebelisoa se boima se fanang ka matla a phahameng, ho tšoarella le ho tšepahala.Moralo oa eona oa lintlha tse 12, molamu o otlolohileng, le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse 45 # li etsa hore e be khetho e fapaneng le e sebetsang hantle bakeng sa projeke efe kapa efe.Hore na o setsebi kapa motho ea chesehelang DIY, wrench ena ea boemo ba indasteri ke ntho eo u tlamehang ho ba le eona ka lebokoseng la lisebelisoa tsa hau.U se ke ua sekisetsa boleng ha ho tluoa tabeng ea lisebelisoa tsa hau.Khetha sekoahelo sa lebokose la hammering 'me u utloe phapang eo e ka e etsang mosebetsing oa hau.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: